Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day Thirteen

Lots to talk about today :) Last night met up with Josh and Christene at the Nine at Nine. They didn't stay long, both weren't feeling the greatest :/ but Rachael and I stayed. In about one hr I downed 3 Slow Comfortable Screws which are amazingly good! Sloe Gin, Southern Comfort, Vodka and OJ. I sware I am highly addicted to these things thanks to Josh :) We then went to the liquor store and bought some SoCo, Coke and Bud and drank more. Picked up Billy and drank some more, while billy drank his Hamm's Beer. It was a mellow night, for the most part, bit of stress for Rachael, but I hope I took care of it for her :)

Then I woke up around 8:30 still a tad drunk I think, but its ok. Then went to the gym this morning for Gentle Stretch Yoga, was nice and relaxing. Came home, had breakfast, two eggs with onions and tomatoes, two slices of toast and two slices of bacon. Topped off with a nice glass of Apple Juice.

I feel ready to go, and do something today, but I have no clean clothes. I have laundry to do, and maybe clean house a bit today, though it isn't bad at all.

Well that is it for today.


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