Friday, October 16, 2009

Day Twenty-five and Twenty-Six

Day Twenty-Five

So I did not do a work-out, because it is the day off of working out, but I did go to the gym and did 20 minutes of cardio. That was about it for yesterday. had some veggies and pork loin for dinner. Nothing special.

Day Twenty-Six

Woke up, tired and wanted to sleep but still went to the gym. The first person I see when I walk in is the one person I really dis like in this town. When I first started at Dak, I was excited to move to a new place and make new friends. This woman made that impossible for me, and caused me to hate coming to work. Amanda..... I will not say last names but this woman was rude, snotty, and thought her shit was too good for you. Yeah, she was nice at first, but then she alienated me. Soon, everyone in my team ignored me or didn't pay attention to me, or would treat me like crap. Eventually, I just hated coming to work, to work with those people, but loved my actual job. I was the black sheep of my group because I was a rocker girl, I liked punk rock, black and was opinionated. Well she left 2 years ago in April.... I went to her going away parting, only to celebrate that I didn't have to work with her anymore and get free drinks from her LOL.... evil I know :)

But yeah, so I saw her, and I truthfully think she knows I dislike her a lot.... she saw me, smiled and said "Hi Ashley" and kept walking. She also said bye as I was leaving. Its not like when you normally see someone outside of work, you are like "HEY you are not at work!" and you chat a bit.... there was none of that. I said a soft spoken Hi and Bye back to her, hoping my mind didn't hear me say it, and think I betrayed it HAHAH.... kidding... but yeah...

So the workout was good, did my machine routine, and did cardio for 25 minutes.

About to go eat breakfast :)


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