Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day Seven

So, today is the day to have a break from the gym. I am a bit behind or ummm *looks around* Late in writing this blog. Anyways, Had a very interesting weekend. As you know what I did in the AM on Saturday. The remainder of the day was fun.

So, first I went with Rachael to a Rug bee game for SDSU. It actually was SUPER fun. I don't understand the sport yet, but I actually may try to understand it more. Its like football but not wimpy. They really get the shit kicked out of them. They have no pads or anything, and no breaks, it just continues to go..... and there is lots of blood and people getting hurt. It was fun.

OMG and then.... there was this guy. He was a red head. Now I know its mean of me to blog about this, but I can't help it. He was a tall guy. I mean tall, and ripped and buff. However, he was the most hairiest guy I had ever seen in my life. It was like facial hair, on his shoulders down his ENTIRE BACK! It was so gross, it was like the fuzzy part of Velcro. I know, I feel bad, and I am a bad person for this, but seriously, he needed to WAX. If his hair wasn't a light red. I feel really bad for him, and any girl who thinks he is super hot, until they feel his back in the dark.... *cringes*

Ok On ward sorry... *hangs head in shame* Anyways, Rachael had a friend come to town to go to the bar and meet up with some other friends. It was lots of fun. I had several drinks, and was dancing around like a nut head, and playing pool poorly. Though, I did get a few good shots in, with some good coaching of Rachael and her friend. I kept hitting the queue ball way to hard, and would miss shots. But hey, it didn't matter, we were betting pillows HAHAHA.

So yes, it was a good weekend. I had lots of fun. Today was sort of a lay around and do nothing day. Watched a couple of movies, and that's about it.

Tomorrow is 5:30am wake up for gym. Then to work again for 5 days, and to another weekend of going out to the bars.

Well watch for my next post :)



Helly said...

We've watched some rugby lately too. If you read my friend Will - who's English - he just posted an American's Primer on rugby for me.

Link to post:

J.T. Bell said...

I wish I could have gone to Rugby. It's so fun...