Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day Eleven

So today, did my super workout, well sort of. I did my arms, took about 20 mins. Then I got on the EFX machine to do cardio. I got on that beast for 28 mins, and burned 313 cal. I busted ass. I was dripping sweat and I loved it, but hated it. It was on my back and between my boobs, and I couldn't go take a towel I had and wipe, so I could only wipe my face LOL. Oh well, it was awesome.

However, you hear some of the most interesting things in a woman's locker room. So I was in there prior to workout, and two girls walked in. I was getting my shoes and my MP3 player set up and Girl 1 was like "I over slept and missed cycle class, because I stayed up late." Girl 2 "I have to stay up late because I am literally on my last pair of underwear." Really? Why discuss something about your dirty and clean underwear in front of a perfect stranger? I find that odd hahaha. But oh well.

Well, time to get showered and ready for work.


1 comment:

J.T. Bell said...

Hmm....I don't know if I'm going to go tonight at 6. I'm just kind of...dying inside. I think I'm just going to bust my ass with pushups at home for the remainder of the day and do situps. It seems like when I go to the gym i don't do either one of them.